Ansu Pienaar

Paediatric and SI Occupational Therapist

Ansu trained as an Occupational Therapist at the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa). She qualified in 1999, and has gained experience working in a variety of NHS settings in the UK and in private practice - both in the UK and Johannesburg (South Africa).  

She possesses varied experience in the assessment and treatment of children with complex conditions, neurodiversity, life-limiting conditions and developmental related challenges. She values and is used to working in a team, which includes the education sector, NHS, local authorities, health profession colleagues, and most importantly the client and their family.  

Ansu feels passionately about optimising quality of life, and the value of enabling clients to contribute to, and participate in society. She draws on her skills, training and wealth of knowledge/experience in sensory integration, normal development, neurodevelopment, DIR Floortime approaches, and understanding trauma to create a bespoke programme or recommendations for clients and their families. She feels that thinking out of the box, fun & laughter, as well as being in nature, is sometimes undervalued and therefore strives to ensure that therapy is challenging, but enjoyable.  

Ansu works with children, young people, and their families in the Cambridgeshire and surrounding area, as well as being an independent Case Manager and Occupational Therapist for children and adults following catastrophic injuries.  

She summarises her core values as a Therapist as follows:  

  • Equal opportunity belief  

  • Compassion 

  • Person centred 

  • Team based 

  • Fun and humorous – real engagement 

  • Problem solving 

  • Creative thinking – following the client’s values 

  • Includes nature, play and technology whenever possible.  

“Fair does not mean everyone gets the same, fair means everyone gets what they need.”  

“Equality is giving everyone the same pair of shoes. Equity is giving everyone a pair of shoes that fits.” – Author unknown