Our Services

Specialist Neuro and Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy forms part of the multi-disciplinary team offering rehabilitation for individuals following a traumatic brain injury, whether it being a birth or acquired brain injury.

Every movement and function performed activates a unique set of neural pathways in the brain. Consistent and repetitive activity practice and participation stimulates the brain and promotes neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to make adaptive changes based on behaviour.

Occupational therapists are experts at restorative (relearning activities) and compensatory (alternative ways or adaptation) strategies as part of the rehabilitation process, to optimise function and independence and maximise quality of life.

Traumatic brain injury affects people of all ages. Causes are varied from birth injuries such as hypoxia, ischaemic brain injuries, cerebral oedema, hydrocephalus, intracranial hematomas due to ruptured blood vessels, skull fractures, contusion that causes bruising of the brain tissue or diffuse axonal injury (DAI) due to twisting and tearing of the connections between the brain cells.

Occupational Therapists can tailor a program on a case by case basis from basic sensory and motor retraining therapy when clients are still at non-participation level, as in the case of unresponsiveness. The environment can be adapted and equipment can be prescribed to facilitate interaction and manual handling practice. Training can be provided to care givers on management strategies, stimulating and therapeutic principles.

Occupational therapy is the most successful where clients are directly engaged in the planning of their own programmes and activities, focussing on purposeful and meaningful activities that add quality to their lives.

Initial Assessments

  • Gathering information and research into the full background and history

  • Visit the client at home, school, hospital for observations and standardised and non-standardised assessments

  • Interview client, family, care givers or other members of the multi-disciplinary team to gather information

  • Identify immediate goals and needs

  • Recommendations and formulation of therapy programme

  • Comprehensive report

  • Cognitive and visual-perceptual assessments

  • Functional and self-help assessments


  • Risk assessments and production of best practice and rehabilitation guidelines for care givers

  • Postural and seating assessments

  • Wheelchair assessments and prescriptions

  • Ongoing evaluation and assessments as part of outcome measures and progress tracking

  • Standardised cognitive, visual perceptual and functional assessments


  • Physical development, sensory processing skills, social-emotional development, self-help skills and independence

  • Upper limb rehabilitation programmes, including functional electro stimulation, pressure garments, adaptive movement constraint therapy and orthotics

  • Vocational rehabilitation

  • Cognitive rehabilitation

And more…

  • Recommendations and prescription of aids, equipment and adaptations to optimise independence, the rehabilitation process, client safety and quality of life

  • Direct one-to-one therapy intervention using restorative or compensatory strategies.

  • Ongoing evaluation and assessments as part of outcome measures and progress tracking

  • Training and skills development to optimise knowledge, insight and competency levels

  • Production of reports and guidance on Education, Health and Care Plan applications and reviews

  • Fatigue and relaxation therapy programmes

  • Play therapy

  • Integration and transition from hospital to home to education or vocational settings

  • Network clients with resources facilities such as specialist services, charities and relevant activity and equipment providers

  • Housing needs and adaptations

  • Expert witness reports